Sunday, February 22, 2009

The View Finder

For this exploration i cut a view finder out of a piece of paper and when around taking pictures of things. when i was taking the pictures i tried to crop the subject as much as possible to make it harder to tell what it was. Because not everything in life is how it seems.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Miniature Ecosystem

For this exploration i collected water from 3 different locations: the ocean, rain water, and water from the sink. I placed the jars in a sunny window for 3 weeks and watched what happened. Now as you can see nothing really changed other then some condensation on the sides but that's about it.

finally some condensation

Monday, February 9, 2009

Travel History

For this exploration i needed to collect objects that tell a story of my travels. This past weekend I went to Orlando as a last hurrah before I had to turn my car in. So here are some of the things that i picked up along the way.

eh all the money spent.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Found Faces

For this exploration you had to go around and document naturally occurring face that I came across in my daily travels. When I was going around looking for faces I found it so much easier to find then when I wasn't looking for them, and I feel like those where the ones that are the most successful.

Here are the faces that I found. But I know there are so many more that are out there still to be found.